About Me

My name is Tracy and I am married to an amazing man, his name is Thomas! We are a busy family that is always on the go between church, school, work and sports.... we are not a sitting around kind of family. We have 4 amazing children and are working on bringing home Elias to make 5. My hubby is Deaf and I am a sign language interpreter,we are very involved in the Deaf community and are excited to be adding another Deaf member to our family. Our kids, Aaron-19, Luke-11, Tommy-10 and Paige-5 are anxious for their new brother to be home. This is our second adoption and we are learning more everyday to lean on God, this journey is already strengthening our faith! We are working on learning how to turn everything over to God and know that He has a perfect plan and all will happen in His time! Good things come to those who wait.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A fast catch up blog post

It has been a little while since I posted and A LOT has gone on since then. My last post was that Mothers Day was coming and Luke was SO excited to celebrate. Well as Luck would have it, Tommy ended up having surgery on Mothers Day morning. His appendix. The poor guy! Tommy was a trooper. The doc told Tommy "dont you know this is a lousy Mothers Day gift!". I told Tommy no more body parts in a jar for Mothers day and that a hand made card would rock my world! So we truly didnt celebrate Mothers Day until about a week later. I was fine with that as Tommy was more important on that day then me celebrating a day about well me..  and Luke handled it well, but he was disappointed. The kids all made me amazing cards and Luke was SO proud to give me his! He is so happy to have a mommy to call his own and it blesses me that God chose me! Thank you Lord!

Since then Luke finished school for the year and much to his dismay now has to deal with the life of summer. He much more prefers school and the schedule that comes with it. ME.... I LIVE For summer! SO Luke and I are trying to find a common ground there! Luke qualified for ESY services and that was a 2 month fight to get Luke where he belong as my school district and I didnt see eye to eye, BUT we worked it out in the end. (after I filed for Due Process). But all is good and Luke started last week and the day he started his behavior went back to normal and he is a HAPPPPPPPPPY boy!

Luke is changing in ways that is is just insane for me to look at him now and still remember he was that little boy from a year and a half ago. Amazing how much he has changed. He has grown 7 inches and gained 33 lbs in that time frame. He looks amazing!!!! He is getting some nice muscles on his arms too and he is very very proud of them bad boys, he worked hard on them! He can do a good number of push ups and sit ups now and FINALLY can do a pull up too! He and I have been working on swimming more this week in the pool. He learned last year but it has never been pretty to look it, but he doesnt drown so it worked. This year we are trying to make it not look like he is a fish out of water while he is in the water. We have worked and he is already improving from just a few times of us working together. It really helps to hold him and then I work his arms and legs for him to let him feel how it should feel like to swim right and that really seemed to help! He is doing the American crawl and he looks pretty darn good now.

 What a difference God, Love, Family, Language and Education make in ones life! Luke blesses all that meet him. God shines through him. What an amazing child he is!

1 comment:

Aus said...

Great stuff Tracy - hugs around -

aus and co.

Our little boy!

Our little boy!
Opening up my care package from my family!

Curious what he is thinking!

Curious what he is thinking!
Checking out my Family for the 1st time ever! (this pic is of my new Brothers and Sister!)

His first reaction after seeing us

His first reaction after seeing us
This is my Forever Family!

Some goodies from the care package

Some goodies from the care package
Some of my new books

This picture makes me cry every time I see it!

This picture makes me cry every time I see it!
My 1st picture of my mommy and daddy! They say I love to look at my pictures again and again!

Studying our faces....

Studying our faces....
Checking out my new family again!

Look at that face!

Look at that face!
Checking out my new books

Aaron's Graduation

Aaron's Graduation
We are so Proud!

Xin Hai's name in Chinese!


Fu XinHai

Xin Hai

Xin Hai
Isnt he the cutest ever?

Aaron's Senior Prom

Aaron's Senior Prom
My handsome Son, Aaron

Aarons prom

Aarons prom
Paige, Aaron and Tommy

My Family

My Family
The Worrell Family

Our Precious one

Our Precious one
Xin Hai in 2008 - so precious! Love that smile!

adoption countdown

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers