About Me

My name is Tracy and I am married to an amazing man, his name is Thomas! We are a busy family that is always on the go between church, school, work and sports.... we are not a sitting around kind of family. We have 4 amazing children and are working on bringing home Elias to make 5. My hubby is Deaf and I am a sign language interpreter,we are very involved in the Deaf community and are excited to be adding another Deaf member to our family. Our kids, Aaron-19, Luke-11, Tommy-10 and Paige-5 are anxious for their new brother to be home. This is our second adoption and we are learning more everyday to lean on God, this journey is already strengthening our faith! We are working on learning how to turn everything over to God and know that He has a perfect plan and all will happen in His time! Good things come to those who wait.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sorry it has been so long

Wow where to start, I have decided since so much happened I will post several shorter posts then one cray long, as we never know how long I can be on here before we need to go do something (Like feed our bottomless pit of a son heeheh).

Our last day in Jinan was a frigged yet lovely day there. Our guide is one in a million and all of us would have loved to have brought her home. Tom and I were very very sad to leave Missy as she is truly an amazing woman with a heart of Gold.

Our last day we went to a place that is pretty famous in Jinan called Diamond Lake. It is truly beautiful and peaceful there and we enjoyed it as our last day in Jinan using the day of peace and quality time with our son to just hang out and chill out in a gorgeous park. Luke is truly a techy guy. He has become my photographer and takes most of the pictures we have so far, he has a great eye and catches some pretty cool things on camera. 

Our day ended with the drive out of Jinan, it is truly a heart wreching drive through some really poverty stricken areas. Luke was nervous when we hit the poor areas as we kept telling him we were going to the airport and it is hard to beleive there is an airport through the area we drove to.  I will post on my next post about his famous first flight as I need to go get our laundry. We are truly blessed with an amazing boy and he has already captured the hearts of all he has met here in China with us. We get stopped by just about everyone that is Chinese to tell us how Handsome our son is. He is truly a very handsome boy. Our guide says he is almost so handsome that he is pretty like a girl hahah.  We had a great final day in Jinan. I would like to say I was sad leaving Jinan but to be honest it is hard for me to say I will miss the place where our son was not treated well and basically ignored for 10 years of his life.  We are so sad when we think of what his life would have been like for him here, our guide told us she is pretty sure when Luke turned 14 here in China and was no longer able to be adopted his future would be very very grim, she actually said " I shudder to think about what would have become of him if we did not bring him home" Everyone keeps telling us how blessed Luke is to have us, but trust me we are the blessed ones. To see the world through his eyes is such an amazing exepriance. When just about everthing you do is for the first time it is amazing to see his eyes and face and reactions to some of the most simple things. (IE when I licked the envelope to seal it he was in awe that it had glue in it to make it stay shut and talked about that for over an hour...)

 Our goofy boy getting ready to leave our room and tour then hit his first plane ride!!
       His adoption registration certificate ( a very very important peice of paperwork)
                              A gorgeous building at Diamond Lake
 Our famous photographer of a son took this of his Mommy and Daddy

Luke took this of the boat, he liked it!

 Me and our amazing Guide, Missy
 Luke and his daddy checking out the statues
 Just a pretty view of Diamond Lake
 Us all together under the sign that says Diamond Lake on our last day in Jinan, China
 The drive to the airport, it is amazing how poor the Villages are, it is heart breaking
 people actually  lived in these
The lived here too, there were people living in this section


JulieM said...

We've been keeping our eye out for you on the island? So anxious to catch up and see how Luke continues to bloom! What victory building are you staying in?

Anonymous said...

Tracy and Tom,
Thank you for taking the time to put this blog together. It is such a blessing! You all look just great!

Deb said...

Hi Tracy, I found your blog and absolutely love hearing what's new with Luke everyday! It is a match made in heaven! We are just starting our adoption journey with Madison and your family is an inspiration to us!

Our little boy!

Our little boy!
Opening up my care package from my family!

Curious what he is thinking!

Curious what he is thinking!
Checking out my Family for the 1st time ever! (this pic is of my new Brothers and Sister!)

His first reaction after seeing us

His first reaction after seeing us
This is my Forever Family!

Some goodies from the care package

Some goodies from the care package
Some of my new books

This picture makes me cry every time I see it!

This picture makes me cry every time I see it!
My 1st picture of my mommy and daddy! They say I love to look at my pictures again and again!

Studying our faces....

Studying our faces....
Checking out my new family again!

Look at that face!

Look at that face!
Checking out my new books

Aaron's Graduation

Aaron's Graduation
We are so Proud!

Xin Hai's name in Chinese!


Fu XinHai

Xin Hai

Xin Hai
Isnt he the cutest ever?

Aaron's Senior Prom

Aaron's Senior Prom
My handsome Son, Aaron

Aarons prom

Aarons prom
Paige, Aaron and Tommy

My Family

My Family
The Worrell Family

Our Precious one

Our Precious one
Xin Hai in 2008 - so precious! Love that smile!

adoption countdown

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers